• CEO

    小竹 顕太朗 / Kentaro Shino

  • 2011年、ウェブデザイナー、プログラマとして独立。株式会社アイリを設立。

    In 2011, Mr.Shino became independent as a web designer and programmer and established ai-li Co., Ltd.
    He is involved in the creation of many apparel brand homepages and EC sites, as well as sales promotion sites for entertainment and cosmetics.

  • 株式会社アイリ
    〒213-0002 神奈川県川崎市高津区二子6-13-1-108
    TEL 050-5587-2109

    ai-li Co.,Ltd.
    6-13-1-108, Futago, Kawasaki Shi Takatsu Ku, Kanagawa Ken, 213-0002, Japan