• rurumu

    東佳苗/Kanae Higashi

  • 縷縷夢兎/rurumu:デザイナー。 1989年福岡県生まれ。文化服装学院ニットデザイン科卒業。衣装デザイナー、アートディレクション、 空間演出、スタイリスト、映画監督、オーディション審査員、キャスティングなど、活動は多岐に渡る。 2019S/Sよりrurumu:を本格始動。

    監督作「Heavy Shabby Girl」(2015)、「my doll filter」「THE END OF ANTHEM」(2017)、「21世紀の女の子」(2019) 他


    Kanae is the designer for 縷縷夢兎 (pronounced “rurumuu”) and rurumu: brands. She was born in Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan in 1989 and completed her studies in knit designs at Bunka Fashion College in Tokyo.

    Kanae has been broadly active as costume designer, art director, space designer, stylist, movie director, audition judge, and casting director.

    Her rurumu: brand was officially launched with the Spring/Summer 2019 collection.

    Movies that Kanae has directed include Heavy Shabby Girl (2015), my doll filter (2017), THE END OF ANTHEM (2017), and 21st Century Girl (2018).

  • 株式会社ライオットガーリーラボ
    〒151-0053 東京都渋谷区代々木4-59-3-1004
    TEL 03-6276-6022

    Riot Girly Lab, Inc.
    1004 Daiei Hatsudai Mansion 4-59-3 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0053 JAPAN
    TEL +81-3-6276-6022