• 名古屋市内を抜ける東海道沿いにたたずむ町、有松。この小さな町で suzusanの前進である『鈴三商店』は、400年以上にわたり、この地方に伝わる染色技法である有松鳴海絞りを営んできました。
    括る、縫う、といった素朴な仕事を通して、浴衣や着物などにその培われた繊細な文様を咲かせてきたのです。 昔は分業制で、母から娘へ、父から息子へ受け継がれて来た絞りの技術は最盛期には100種類以上の技法を生み出すまでになり、この小さな宿場町は1万人以上の職人でにぎわいました。こういった染色技術はアフリカ大陸、インド、南アメリカなど世界の他の地域でも行われていますが、一つの地域にこれだけの豊富な種類の技法が作られた例は他にありません。

    絞りを営む家系に生まれ 5 代目にあたる村瀬弘行は、アーティストを志し、20歳で留学。
    村瀬は独学で絞りをはじめ、2008 年にドイツで会社を設立。それまでの下請け業を軸とした家業の形態を、オリジナルブランド『suzusan』へと大胆にシフトさせました。
    日本の伝統技術をル―ツとし 先人らの叡智を受け継ぎながらも、[世界中のライフスタイルに合う商品を]というコンセプトのもと、風通しのいいデザインを心がけています。
    アルパカやカシミヤなど、これまでは絞りでは通常使われなかった素材を用い、ストールをファッションに、照明をインテリアの分野まで展開を拡大。 その後ファッションは既製服全般を企画製造し、照明、ホームファブリックコレクションの 3 つのカテゴリーを展開しています。

    suzusan is based upon an ancient Japanese textile finishing technique called Shibori, literally translated as wring or twist.
    It has been used for Kimono or Yukata for over centuries in Japan. This sensitive handicraft has been succeeded from mother to daughter, father to son for over 400 years in a small village Arimatsu, Japan. This traditional heritage has been declining since last half century because of the change of the lifestyle. There were more than 10,000 artisans in this small village before, but became less than 200 today.
    Hiroyuki Murase, a fifth-generation member of a Shibori artisan family moved to Europe when he was 20 Years old and studied fine art in the UK and Germany to become an artist. After some years in Europe, some years later in Europe, he looked back and recognized the value and beauty of this handicraft of his hometown in Japan, and he decided to take over his family business. He became Creative Director in 2008 and launched suzusan brand with a few shawls, followed by the Ready-to-Wear collection in 2015, and Home & Living Collection in 2019 using this heritage. Enriching the family’s long tradition of working in Shibori, Hiroyuki has combined the traditional techniques with selected qualitative materials such as hand-woven cashmere or baby alpaca from all over the world. The fusion of hand-dyed colors and materials is a new take on the craftsman’s tradition.


    This collection expresses an image of overlapping forms and colors, with blurred and ambiguous boundaries blending together, reminiscent of the works of Francis Picabia, a French painter known for his diverse painting styles, known for his "Age of Transparency."


    村瀬 弘行 / HIroyuki Murase

  • 1982年名古屋市生まれ。
    デュッセルドルフにオープン。国境を越えたデザイナーやクリエーターとのコラボレーションなどの他、2018年から名古屋芸術大学テキスタイル学科の客員教授、2021年から名古屋市主催伝統産業海外マーケティング支援プロジェクト「Creation as DIALOGUE」の統括コーディネーターに就任し、日本の伝統工芸の継続性と循環を生み出す社会活動にも精力的に展開している。

    Textile artist Hiroyuki Murase concurrently studied Integration Visual Art and Architecture at the Art Academy (Kunstakademie) in Düsseldorf, Germany, while launching his own label, Suzusan, in 2008. His Japanese-German brand is based upon the ancient Japanese textile finishing technique of “shibori” which translates literally to “wring, twist,” and has been used in the creation of Kimono for centuries.

    Murase applies the traditional Shibori techniques his family has honed for five generations to materials such as cashmere, alpaca and transparent silk. The fusion of hand-dyed colors and sheer fabrics is a modern take on this textile tradition, which he offers in the form of fashion, home decor and lighting. Murase launched a Ready-to-Wear collection in 2015. His pieces have been showcased at Fashion Weeks in Europe and offered in high-end boutique collections in 22 countries worldwide.

  • 株式会社スズサン
    TEL 052-693-9624

    Suzusan Co., Ltd.
    1905 Arimatsu Midori-ku Nagoya 458-0924 JapanTEL 052-693-9624