*The photo shows the CFD launch press conference and reception held on July 8, 1985. Mr. Issey Miyake is on the right side of the upper left photo.
東京ファッションデザイナー協議会(CFD TOKYO)の設立に尽力され、初代代表幹事を務められた三宅一生氏が2022年8月5日に逝去されました。
三宅氏の偉大なご功績を称え、心より感謝するとともに、 謹んでご冥福をお祈り申し上げます。
東京ファッションデザイナー協議会(CFD TOKYO)代表理事・議長 久保雅裕
Issey Miyake, who was instrumental in establishing the The Council of Fashion Designers, Tokyo(CFD TOKYO) and served as the first chairman, passed away on August 5, 2022.
All of us, CFD are deeply saddened by the sudden news of his passing.
After entering the Paris Fashion Week, Mr. Miyake established himself as a world-class designer’s maison.
He contributed greatly to improving the status of Japanese designers.
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Miyake for his great achievements, and we sincerely pray for the repose of his soul.
Masahiro Kubo, Chairman, The Council of Fashion Designers, Tokyo(CFD TOKYO)